Strategic Goal Setting Workshop 2024
What, where, when?
A two day Strategic Goal Setting workshop
Hosted by Stéphanie & Joyce Heckman
Online with plenty of screen breaks
10 & 11 February 2024
10:00-14:00 GMT | 11:00-15:00 CET
GBP £85 - £160 | EUR €100 - €190
We only have 10 spots to give away.
Super keen to join us? Sign up via the form! 👉🏼
Keen to know a bit more? Read on ;-)
The offering
We’ve come through the darkest part of winter, a time for hunkering down and recharging. Now we begin to re-emerge with curiosity and hopes for a new year: Where am I now? What has the past year brought me? Where do I want go?
These questions can be invigorating or confronting, but whatever they bring up we are all familiar with them around this time of year. The doorstep month of February, Imbolc (from the Old Irish for ‘in the belly’), is the start of the new year on the Celtic calendar and is an auspicious time for reflecting on the old and setting intentions for the new.
Too often we let this precious time slip us by. We get distracted as the busyness of the year rushes in and the sprouting ideas and insights get forgotten again.
For the past six years, we have been coming together as mother and daughter to harness this time during personal strategy days, where we draw out the lessons from the previous year and chart out an intentional route into the next, towards some strategically chosen goals.
For Stéphanie, this process is what has helped her initiate and cultivate an ongoing working relationship with the UN Climate Secretariat and a network of peers she brings along to the annual COP climate summits. For Joyce, it has empowered her to go traveling on some big trips she would have never made otherwise.
In recent years we have begun to share this process with others, and now we are again inviting you in for an open workshop. If you feel in need of some time for yourself to pause, take stock of where you are and plot out some next steps that align with your needs and values…. And if you want some structure, guidance and companionship to do it, join us!
The methodology
The methodology we use is called backcasting - a tool Stéphanie learned during her MSc in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability in Karlskrona, Sweden. We’ve adapted it for personal strategic discernment, and - of course - we use visual thinking tools aplenty to make the process and outcomes come alive.
Over the course of two half days together, we’ll go through the four steps of backcasting:
A - Looking forward
B - Looking back
C - Brainstorming
D - Strategic Prioritisation
We’ll use a combination of shared online visual harvesting and dialogic exercises, as well as offline time to stretch, get out there and do some solo work. This methodology, when done in this way and with reflection partners, will help you
Uncover the creative tension between your status quo and personal vision, and let it pull you into the new year with purpose and direction
The facilitators
We’re offering this workshop as a mum & daughter team! For the past six years we have been each other’s ‘reflection partner’ during our own annual strategy days where we first applied and adapted this approach for ourselves. Since then, we have offered this both together and separately in individual coaching contexts as well as in-person and remote workshops.
Stéphanie is a visual practitioner working internationally to visually support organisations working to progress climate action, peace and reconciliation and leadership development.
Joyce is a psychologist and coach with over thirty years experience, specialising - among other areas - in career counselling and burnout prevention.
“I credit this process for the steep trajectory my visual practice career has been on - going from being a jobless stranded foreigner to a well-established visual practitioner with a transformed relationship to my own work, collaborating with the UN and training up my own colleagues within five years. It’s given me confidence and focus to aim high, and hit!”
“There’s a deep wisdom to be found in this process. I tend to be more intuitive and always full of ideas, and the focus and practicality of this methodology have significantly sped up my goal setting without ever making me feel pushed. It is a welcome deepening of my own practice from years of designing future visions with clients during career coaching trajectories.”
Payment will be in one instalment due a week before the workshop. For this cost you’re getting:
Us for two days; a visual practitioner who is used to making sense out of complexity at a high level and a psychologist with decades of experience specialised in career counselling;
Entry into a fellowship with others in a carefully held empathic space that will continue after this workshop;
An onboarding pre-recorded video, booklet with your outcomes after the workshop, and an invitation to a shared check in call in six months;
And of course, tools that can serve you for years to come.
GBP £160 / EUR €190 Standard Rate
GBP £85 / EUR €100 Reduced Rate (45% discount)
We respect people’s different personal and professional situations, and trust you to self-assign and pay what you can within this range.
“I was surprised how intimate a Zoom meeting could be. It felt so nice to have people listen to me with caring attention, to share my goals and dreams and to hear the wonderful and different plans of the others.”
“I have been telling everyone about this workshop and now they all want to do it too. The power of visualisation! Everything I drew out in my vision at the start of the year has been starting to come out. I can’t believe it - everyone should do this!”
Sign me up!
By filling out the below form you sign up for our workshop Strategic Goal Setting. Upon receipt of your form response, we will send you a payment request. Once you’ve paid the course fee (see above), you’re in! We can’t wait to share this with you and look forward to seeing you in February!